Saturday, January 26, 2013

WinRT CS vs JS: Events

Without events, it is imposable for the user to interact with the program. So, for this comparison I am going to wire up a simple click event (_btnUpdateText_Click()) that changes the text on a label (_txtHelloText) with the value of an integer that counts clicks (_clickNo). The sample is mind numbly simple to make the differences as stark as possible. I am using the same names where possible in both C# and JavaScript. So here goes:

Javascript HTML

  1. Create a JavaScript Windows Store Blank App, I’m calling mine “simpleEventJS”
  2. Open up default.html and paste the following on top of the existing body tag:
    <h1>Simple Events</h1>
    <div id="_txtHelloText">Button is still Unclicked</div>
    <button id="_btnUpdateText">Click Me</button>

  3. Open js/default.js
  4. Insert the following code just above the call to app.start();:
    // Just for proofiness, I will keep track of clicks and display in the event
    var _clickNo = 0;
    function _btnUpdateText_Click() {
    "use strict";
    var control = document.getElementById("_txtHelloText");
    control.innerText = "Click #" + (++_clickNo);

  5. Replace args.setPromise(WinJS.UI.processAll()); with the following code:
    args.setPromise(WinJS.UI.processAll().done(function () {
    var button1 = document.getElementById("_btnUpdateText");
    button1.addEventListener("click", _btnUpdateText_Click, false);

NOTE: On wiring the event, my first instinct would to wire it in the markup (onclick="_btnUpdateText_Click"). Experts recommend that you don’t do that, besides, if you put the event handler in js/default.js, it would be out of scope anyway. I suppose you could imbed the JavaScript in the markup, but that stinks too.


  1. Create a Visual Studio C# Windows Store Blank App (XAML), I’m calling mine “simpleEventCS”
  2. Open MainPage.xaml and paste the following on top of the existing Grid tag (I am using the StackPanel to get it to be more similar to the JS sample above):
    <StackPanel Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
    <TextBlock>Simple Events</TextBlock>
    <TextBlock Name="_txtHelloText">Button is still Unclicked</TextBlock>
    <Button Name="_btnUpdateText" Click="_btnUpdateText_Click">Click Me</Button>

  3. Double click on “_btnUpdateText_Click” in the Button tag
  4. Right click on the highlighted text and select Navigate to Event Handler
  5. Visual Studio will open MainPage.xaml.cs and create an empty even handler named _btnUpdateText_Click, replace that handler (all the way to the first closing bracket ‘}’) with:
    // Just for proofiness, I will keep track of clicks and display in the event
    private int _clickNo = 0;
    private void _btnUpdateText_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    _txtHelloText.Text = "Click #" + (++_clickNo).ToString();

NOTE: Yes, the UI for this sample is ugly compared the JavaScript sample above; this is what I get with no styling. It would violate my brain dead simple rule.

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