I like LINQPad. One thing I like to do with it is to use to figure out what queries the Entity Framework is generating when I do basic tasks. In this post, I will look at what is going on for basic CRUD operations (actually CUD, since the Read operations are self evident). For this example, I am going use the method outlined in Querying EF ObjectContext from LINQPad; I am using the PUBS database and the model from Building an EF 4 Model Assembly for Pubs DB.
Whenever you run a query in LINQPad you can click on the SQL to see what has been sent to the server. I find this method more useful than Getting TSQL Query With ToTraceString() in EF; I can run code that is not a LINQ query and see what happens.
Given this function:
void addTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var newTitle = new title(); newTitle.title_id = "myTtl"; newTitle.title = "Hamlet"; newTitle.type = "Literature"; newTitle.pubdate = DateTime.Today; newTitle.publisher = context.publishers.Where(p => p.pub_id == "9901").Single(); context.titles.AddObject(newTitle); context.SaveChanges(); }
I get this SQL from LINQPad:
SELECT TOP (2) [Extent1].[pub_id] AS [pub_id], [Extent1].[pub_name] AS [pub_name], [Extent1].[city] AS [city], [Extent1].[state] AS [state], [Extent1].[country] AS [country] FROM [dbo].[publishers] AS [Extent1] WHERE '9901' = [Extent1].[pub_id] GO -- Region Parameters DECLARE @0 VarChar(6) = 'myTtl' DECLARE @1 VarChar(80) = 'Hamlet' DECLARE @2 Char(12) = 'Literature' DECLARE @3 Char(4) = '9901' DECLARE @4 DateTime2 = '2012-04-07 00:00:00.0000000' -- EndRegion insert [dbo].[titles]([title_id], [title], [type], [pub_id], [price], [advance], [royalty], [ytd_sales], [notes], [pubdate]) values (@0, @1, @2, @3, null, null, null, null, null, @4)
In the top part, EF is getting the linked record from the publishers table. For this specific add, the get is probably not necessary. I could avoid that call setting the pub_id directly as opposed to setting the publisher navigation property to the row.
The second part is a basic INSERT query with parameters. Other than the cryptic names and explicitly referencing null in the VALUES clause, this is pretty close to what I would have written.
Given this function:
void editTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var myTitle = context.titles.Where(t => t.title_id == "myTtl").Single(); myTitle.price = 100m; myTitle.advance = 1000000m; context.SaveChanges(); }
I get this SQL from LINQPad:
SELECT TOP (2) [Extent1].[title_id] AS [title_id], [Extent1].[title] AS [title], [Extent1].[type] AS [type], [Extent1].[pub_id] AS [pub_id], [Extent1].[price] AS [price], [Extent1].[advance] AS [advance], [Extent1].[royalty] AS [royalty], [Extent1].[ytd_sales] AS [ytd_sales], [Extent1].[notes] AS [notes], [Extent1].[pubdate] AS [pubdate] FROM [dbo].[titles] AS [Extent1] WHERE 'myTtl' = [Extent1].[title_id] GO -- Region Parameters DECLARE @0 Decimal(7,4) = 100 DECLARE @1 Decimal(11,4) = 1000000 DECLARE @2 VarChar(6) = 'myTtl' -- EndRegion update [dbo].[titles] set [price] = @0, [advance] = @1 where ([title_id] = @2)
Not much to see here. It is getting the data with a SELECT command and then editing it with the data with an UPDATE command. Again this is pretty close to what I would do.
Given this function:
void delTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var myTitle = context.titles.Where (t => t.title_id == "myTtl").Single (); context.DeleteObject(myTitle); context.SaveChanges(); }
I get this SQL from LINQPad:
SELECT TOP (2) [Extent1].[title_id] AS [title_id], [Extent1].[title] AS [title], [Extent1].[type] AS [type], [Extent1].[pub_id] AS [pub_id], [Extent1].[price] AS [price], [Extent1].[advance] AS [advance], [Extent1].[royalty] AS [royalty], [Extent1].[ytd_sales] AS [ytd_sales], [Extent1].[notes] AS [notes], [Extent1].[pubdate] AS [pubdate] FROM [dbo].[titles] AS [Extent1] WHERE 'myTtl' = [Extent1].[title_id] GO -- Region Parameters DECLARE @0 VarChar(6) = 'myTtl' -- EndRegion delete [dbo].[titles] where ([title_id] = @0)
This one is a little bit more controversial. Do I really need to get the doomed record before I delete it? Does it really make that much difference? I probably wouldn’t get the record before I deleted it. I have seen examples where you send an update command through EF that deletes the record without ever reading it.
LINQPad Code
const string EF_CONNECTION_STRING = @"metadata=res://*/PubsModel.csdl|res://*/PubsModel.ssdl|res://*/PubsModel.msl;" + @"provider=System.Data.SqlClient;" + @"provider connection string=" + @"'data source=WIN-SEVEN-02\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=pubs;" + @"integrated security=True;" + @"MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework'"; void Main() { PubsModel.pubsEntities context = new PubsModel.pubsEntities(EF_CONNECTION_STRING); addTitle(context); showMyTitle(context, "After Add"); editTitle(context); showMyTitle(context, "After Edit"); delTitle(context); showMyTitle(context, "After Delete"); } void addTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var newTitle = new title { title_id = "myTtl", title1 = "Hamlet", type = "Literature", pubdate = DateTime.Today, publisher = context.publishers.Where(p => p.pub_id == "9901").Single() // If I set the ID, I can avoid a SELECT command //pub_id = "9901" }; context.titles.AddObject(newTitle); context.SaveChanges(); } void editTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var myTitle = context.titles.Where(t => t.title_id == "myTtl").Single(); // myTitle.EntityState.Dump("EntityState Before Edit"); isDirty(myTitle).Dump("isDirty Before Edit"); myTitle.price = 100m; myTitle.advance = 1000000m; // myTitle.EntityState.Dump("EntityState After Edit"); isDirty(myTitle).Dump("isDirty After Edit"); context.SaveChanges(); } void delTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context) { var myTitle = context.titles.Where (t => t.title_id == "myTtl").Single (); context.DeleteObject(myTitle); context.SaveChanges(); } void showMyTitle(PubsModel.pubsEntities context, string message) { context.titles.Include("publisher").Where(t => t.title_id == "myTtl").Dump(message); } bool isDirty(EntityObject entity) { return entity.EntityState == EntityState.Added || entity.EntityState == EntityState.Modified || entity.EntityState == EntityState.Deleted; }
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