Sunday, March 04, 2012

Getting TSQL Query With ToTraceString() in EF

Setup for this post

(if you want to run the code as displayed)

I use ObjectQuery.ToTraceString() to figure out what is going on behind the scenes. ToTraceString() returns the TSQL (assuming you are using the SQL Server provider) for that ObjectQuery.

Since I can see the TSQL code that EF generates I can poke around and figure what is going around behind the curtain.

For example if you ran this in LINQPad:

void Main()
    PubsModel.pubsEntities context = new PubsModel.pubsEntities(EF_CONNECTION_STRING);

    // Entity SQL:
    // Returns ObjectQuery<T> directly
    ObjectQuery<author> esqlq = context.CreateQuery<author>(
        "SELECT VALUE a FROM authors AS a");
    // Linq to Entities
    // ObjectQuery<T> implements IQueryable<T>
    // This statement returns an ObjectQuery<T>
    // casted as IQueryable<T>
    IQueryable<author> linqq = from a in context.authors select a;    
    // So it must be cast back to execute ToTraceString()
    ((ObjectQuery)linqq).ToTraceString().Dump("--Linq Query");

You would get:


[Extent1].[au_id] AS [au_id], 
[Extent1].[au_lname] AS [au_lname], 
[Extent1].[au_fname] AS [au_fname], 
[Extent1].[phone] AS [phone], 
[Extent1].[address] AS [address], 
[Extent1].[city] AS [city], 
[Extent1].[state] AS [state], 
[Extent1].[zip] AS [zip], 
[Extent1].[contract] AS [contract]
FROM [dbo].[authors] AS [Extent1]  

--Linq Query

[Extent1].[au_id] AS [au_id], 
[Extent1].[au_lname] AS [au_lname], 
[Extent1].[au_fname] AS [au_fname], 
[Extent1].[phone] AS [phone], 
[Extent1].[address] AS [address], 
[Extent1].[city] AS [city], 
[Extent1].[state] AS [state], 
[Extent1].[zip] AS [zip], 
[Extent1].[contract] AS [contract]
FROM [dbo].[authors] AS [Extent1]  

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