Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Generating a Nullable ADO.NET DataSet Wrapper

Part 1: The Target Code

Classic ADO.NET is the most successful client side database technology in the history of Microsoft. Even if the Entity Framework (officially "ADO.NET Entity Framework") is as successful as Microsoft thinks it will be, ADO.NET DataSets will be around for years.

One of the biggest weaknesses of the ADO.NET DataSet is the turn of the century way it handles nullability. Since Nullable didn’t exist until .NET 2, the designers of the DataSet handled nullability with two methods and one exception. I decided to generate a nullable wrapper for ADO.NET DataSets.

Target Code

To generate code, I need sample target code, so I know where I am going


I plan on wrapping each typed DataRow in my own proxy class:

public class EmployeesRowX
    // The wrapped row
    NorthwindDS.EmployeesRow _row;
    public EmployeesRowX(NorthwindDS.EmployeesRow row)
        _row = row;
    // Direct access to the row, if you need something I didn’t implement
    public NorthwindDS.EmployeesRow Row
        get { return _row; }
    // …

For a non-nullable field, I just pass the data back without doing anything fancy:

public string FirstName
    get { return _row.FirstName; }
    set { Row.FirstName = value; }

For a nullable field, I have to translate ADO.NET the pre-nullable logic (IsXXXNull() & SetXXXNull()) to a modern nullable:

public DateTime? BirthDate
        if (_row.IsBirthDateNull())
            return null;
            return _row.BirthDate;
        if (!value.HasValue)
           _row.BirthDate = value.Value;

DataSet and DataTables

I will wrap the DataSet and DataTables in their own proxies:

public class NorthwindDSX
    private NorthwindDS _ds;
    public NorthwindDSX(NorthwindDS ds)
        _ds = ds;

    public EmployeesDataTableX Employees
        get { return new EmployeesDataTableX(_ds.Employees); }

    public NorthwindDS DataSet
        get { return _ds; }

public class EmployeesDataTableX: IEnumerable
    private NorthwindDS.EmployeesDataTable _theTable;
    public EmployeesDataTableX(NorthwindDS.EmployeesDataTable table)
        _theTable = table;

    public NorthwindDS.EmployeesDataTable Table
        get { return _theTable; }

    #region IEnumerable Members
    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        return new EmployeesTableEnum(_theTable);

    #region IEnumerable Members
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return (IEnumerator)this;

DataTable’s IEnumberator<T>

And each Table needs an Enumerator:

public class EmployeesTableEnum : IEnumerator
    private NorthwindDS.EmployeesDataTable _collection;
    private int curIndex;
    private EmployeesRowX curBox;

    public EmployeesTableEnum(NorthwindDS.EmployeesDataTable collection)
        _collection = collection;
        curIndex = -1;
        curBox = default(EmployeesRowX);

    public bool MoveNext()
        //Avoids going beyond the end of the collection.
        if (++curIndex >= _collection.Count)
            return false;
            // Set current EmployeesRowX to next item in collection.
            curBox = new EmployeesRowX(
        return true;

    public void Reset() { curIndex = -1; }

    void IDisposable.Dispose() { }

    public EmployeesRowX Current
        get { return curBox; }

    object IEnumerator.Current
        get { return Current; }

Summing it up

So now that I know where I am going, I can get started at making generating code. The code will change as I work through the process.

Since a Typed DataSet is generated, it is possible to generate a full DataSet with nullable fields; that is a job for Microsoft.

Generating a Nullable ADO.NET DataSet Wrapper: The Series

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